International News

Hackers exploiting a vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange email servers

Sentinel Digital Desk

London: Several state-sponsored hacking groups are exploiting a vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange email servers that the tech giant patched in February, a cybersecurity firm has revealed. London-based Volexity saw this vulnerability — CVE-2020-0688 — exploited in the wild by advanced persistent threat (APT) actors.

The vulnerability was discovered by an anonymous security researcher and reported to Microsoft by way of Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative.

“Two weeks after the security updates were released, the Zero Day Initiative published a blog post providing more details on the vulnerability. The post made it clear that an attacker could exploit a vulnerable Exchange server if the three criteria are not met,” said the Volexity Threat Research team.

“The Exchange Server had not been patched since February 11, 2020; The Exchange Control Panel (ECP) interface was accessible to the attacker and the attacker has a working credential that allows them to access the Exchange Control Panel in order to collect the ViewState Key,” the security researchers noted.