International News

He Came ! He Saw ! He’s Back !

Sentinel Digital Desk

Open thoughts, opinion, and aftermath in short of the Trump visit to India

……. Fumbled on a few Hindi words, but that was soon covered up by the gracious ‘modelesque‘high heeled First lady’s grace at all the parades. I must admit she made quiet a picture and the Govt. school visit was warming, to say the least, emotional even. As a viewer across the pond and along with the Indian community watching this whirlwind trip, writing here is only an opinion being shared and in no way to make any statement. I enjoyed the roadshow as did India for the many kilometers the ‘carcades’ rolled in the two-day visit of President Trump and his wife, Melania Trump. From the ‘Howdy Modi’ Texas visit to the ‘Namaste Trump’ India trip, Modi could have also said “You ‘ve come a long way, baby”, for the US President sure had!

I’m a few anxious hours away today, Feb 26th, from the meeting and discussions Mr. Trump will have with the CDC team on the US probability of the coronavirus crisis in the US. I’m in staggered shock over India’s fight for religious supremacy even as it portrays complete solidarity for religious tolerance. The world around me suddenly feels threatened and for crying out loud, “cannot live Life in fear”, I fear! The uncertainties of what the threats bring, seems closer than ever before and too close to comfort being slammed in our faces, is how I feel as I write. This is Election year for the US (Trump, Biden, Bernie?), Olympic year in Japan(to be or not to be!) and the thought that the world will travel with suitcases filled with Hand sanitizers and surgical masks. Maybe pure air, wherever available to breathe, will be up for a price! It certainly wasn’t the case at the Motera stadium in Ahmedabad with 1 lakh people in attendance, breathing the same air our leaders were through two days of glory, in mutual admiration and homage to a well bathed Taj! Wonder why the simple words “Wah Taj” was not in the President’s words list. He would have pronounced that perfectly well. Don’t you think?

I feel like a ‘ muddler’ right now… the kind you use in a glass to crush and mix a few ingredients for that perfect cocktail, only it’s not a perfect cocktail because my mind is muddled in a way I can ‘t mix the fear of uncertainties and viruses with happy co-existence and peace pulp. As an Asian American with being ‘Hindustani’ at the core, I’m on the side of the Democrats in the US and uphold loyalty to my democracy and democratic values in both of my countries. Proud to be Indian? Proud to be American? How about just proud to be a good citizen – All for Good and Good for All? See how muddled in the head I am? So, where are you going with this, I ask myself. Jumping thoughts and trying to align them to this historic circus visit between two leaders of two democracies? Growing fears and garbled choices? Every day since last week, asking friends in India if its safe for everyone there and then having to decide how to answer to the campaign team question if I would donate please to a candidate potential. Burdensome, it seems, good god, yes! So muddled, such an imperfect cocktail!

Between the many gifts and a very tired US presidential entourage aboard Air Force One, what was it bringing back across the pond really? There were not many ‘wows’’ or ‘Oh My’s!’ from viewers here in the US, more than most hardly were even seen viewing the visit or the crowds involved in the welcoming of Trump on Indian soil. Someone said in my office, “Ah! so 7 million people showed up? Huh? Not bad for a country of over a billion”! Then there was this,” Were they really that happy to see him’? I’m Not sure about that either, but I can imagine the excitement amongst my people in India for a visit that must have taken months to prepare for all the fun and frolic that is Trump! So, back to what else did the Big Bird flying across the pond bring back? Not sure. Don’t care! It was in the vicinity of “That’s Entertainment”, no doubt! He came, he saw, we enjoyed the hoopla. I, personally, loved the ‘jhumkas’ Melania wore. Her very composed mannerisms need a mention including her ‘Namastey’ as compared to the Trump ‘Na-moos-tay’, was endearing in her speech to the school kids. I did wonder, though, if Mr. Modi changed his designer of late. His drab sleeveless ‘galla-bunds’ paled in front of the ‘Dolan’ Trump ties. Just saying….my opinion, my muddled take-aways….

Finally, not much on the agenda, some deals in favor of the visiting guests, a lot of people in the stadium strength, formal and love visits to Sabarmati, Taj and Raj ghat….and President Kovind’s endless nudges for picture-perfect handshakes, both at level and up in the air, sums up the weekend party, my muddled thoughts and underlying fears.

Almost 800 words and I’m already tired of writing rather venting my thoughts. Nothing said really, however, that nagging fear of the virus prevails. While I hope- wished the President a safe trip back home, I wondered how safe is the land of the free now? What next for India, for the US, for the world? Just received an update, “Hong Kong has 89 confirmed cases…. Gives each to its permanent residents to boost its economy”!

That’s All folks! Keep the world spinning! Keep watching! Wash your hands – off all Evil viruses.

About the Author


Journalist, Writer, Orator, Senior Consultant, Leadership & Communication, Actor, Producer, Activist – An Empowered Woman in quest and fight for needed causes and campaigns. She is based out of both the USA and India.
