International News

Houthi leader vows to continue maritime attacks, calls Indian Ocean ‘new theatre of confrontation’

Sentinel Digital Desk

Aden: Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen’s Houthi group, has vowed to continue its naval operations in the Red Sea, rejecting media reports suggesting a decrease in Houthi maritime attacks, the Houthi-run al-Masirah TV reported.

In a televised speech addressing a large rally in Sanaa on Friday, the Houthi leader said that their maritime operations had expanded into the Indian Ocean, calling it “a new theatre of confrontation”, Xinhua news agency reported.

Al-Houthi also claimed that his group had attacked 102 vessels linked to Israel since the onset of the Israel-Hamas conflict on October 7, 2023, adding that “successful strikes against Israeli-affiliated ships, occurring at a rate of approximately one every two days”, underscore the group’s naval capabilities.

He added that the US and British forces had failed to ensure safe passage for these vessels despite the two countries’ intensive military operations. Al-Houthi also refuted media reports indicating a decline in maritime attacks, insisting that their operations continue unabated, contradicting claims made by American officials.

Large-scale protests were held on Friday across provinces controlled by the Houthi group, where millions of protestors voiced their support for the Houthi attacks on the maritime trade routes and condemned Israel for its “relentless” attacks in Gaza. (IANS)

 Also read: Greek frigate shoots down Houthi drone in Gulf of Aden (

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