International News

India slams Pakistan for raising Kashmir issue in the midst of a debate meant for the Israel-Gaza situation

Sentinel Digital Desk

NEW YORK: India slammed Pakistan for raising the Kashmir issue in the midst of a debate meant for the Israel-Gaza situation and termed the action as of a ‘habitual nature’.

R. Ravindra, India’s Deputy Permanent Representative (DPR) to the United Nations on Wednesday before concluding his remarks at the forum called that the remarks from the Pakistan side unworthy of a response and not worth dignifying.

“Before I end, there was a remark of habitual nature by one delegation referring to Union Territories that are integral and inalienable parts of my country,” Ravindra said, adding, “I would treat these remarks with the contempt they deserve and not dignify them with a response in the interest of time.”

He also underlined New Delhi’s efforts to send humanitarian assistance to civilians in the Gaza Strip, amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, saying that it has sent 38 tons of food and critical medical equipment to the region.

Ravindra made the statement while representing India at the United Nations Security Council Open-debate on the “situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question”.

Thanking the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) for the open debate on the latest chapter of hostilities in West Asia, he said India was deeply concerned about the deteriorating security situation and large-scale loss of civilians in the ongoing conflict.

“The mounting humanitarian crisis is equally alarming,” he said. “India has sent 38 tons of humanitarian goods, including medicines and equipment, to the people of Palestine. We also urge the parties to work towards creating conditions necessary for peace and for restarting direct negotiations, including through de-escalation and issuing violence,” Ravindra added.

“The escalation of our utilities in the region has only exacerbated the dire humanitarian situation,” he said, adding, “It has once again underscored the fragile nature of the ceasefire.”

The terror attacks that happened on October 7 in Israel were shocking and India condemned them unequivocally, the deputy permanent envoy to the UN noted.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was one of the first global leaders to convey his condolences over the loss of lives and “prayers for the innocent victims and their families”.

“We stood in solidarity with Israel at their moment of crisis when they were facing these terror attacks,” Ravindra added. “We have also expressed deep shock at the tragic loss of lives at the Al Hali hospital in Gaza, where several hundreds of civilian casualties have occurred and thousands injured. Our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and prayers for the speedy recovery of the injured,” India’s deputy permanent envoy to the world body added. (ANI)

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