International News

Nikki Haley beats Joe Biden by 19 points: Poll

Sentinel Digital Desk

Washington: Nikki Haley, the Indian-American former Governor of South Carolina, is the best Republican candidate to beat US President Joe Biden for the White House, especially among independ-ent voters, a new poll has found. Fresh out of the second Republican debate this week, Haley led the sitting president by two points — 40 per cent to 38 per cent in the latest poll by JL Partners for the Daily Mail, which surveyed 1,000 likely voters from September 15 to 20. Biden was a point behind former Pres-ident Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, but stayed ahead of Indian-American entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and former Vice President Mike Pence by three and eight points, respectively. Haley’s advantage was most prominent among independent voters. Among this group, she beat Biden by 19 points, the widest margin across the Republican pool, the Daily Mail reported. The Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll poll released earlier this month found the former UN ambas-sador leading President Biden. When asked about a hypothetical matchup between Haley and Biden in 2024, 41 per cent of respondents said they would back her, in comparison to 37 per cent who said they would support the current president. Biden’s own campaign is reportedly worried about Haley. In August, a senior Democratic strategist close to the team told Politico: “If they nominate Nikki Haley, we’re in trouble.” Haley’s appeal to independents is often attributed to her more moderate policies that resonate with voters looking for an alternative to Trump, the Mail reported. She told Fox News earlier this year: “(Democrats) know that I am the biggest threat that liberals have ever seen and they’re scared about it.” According to the Politico newspaper, “there’s nobody else, either, running the way she’s running, attempt-ing to walk a line that’s so vanishingly thin it might not exist”. (IANS)

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