International News

Pakistan Security Forces Baton Charge Protesters In Balochistan

Sentinel Digital Desk

Balochistan: Pakistani security personnel on Thursday baton charged on the protest organized by the family members of missing student Bahadur Bashir at Pasni Zero Point in Pakistan’s Balochistan, The Balochistan Post reported. Several protesters, including women and children, were injured in the security personnel action during the protest.

Bahadur Bashir, a student at Karachi University, was detained by security forces in Pasni while he was visiting his family for Eid. The family has been protesting for his release for several days. However, the protest was recently called off as the authorities made promises to release the victim.

However, the authorities did not keep their word to release Bashir and the protest resumed at Pasni Zero Point, blocking the Makran Coastal Highway and causing traffic jams. Security forces reportedly attempted to clear the highway blocked by protesters by forcibly removing them, according to The Balochistan Post report.

They baton-charged the protesters and tried to seize their phones. Several women were injured during the act, The Balochistan Post reported, citing local sources. Protesters claimed that the security personnel used an excuse to disperse the protesters. (ANI)

Also Read: Balochistan community calls for release of missing individuals ahead of Eid-ul-Adha

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