International News

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulates Chinese President Xi on unprecedented third term

Sentinel Digital Desk

MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday congratulated Chinese President Xi Jinping who secured an unprecedented third term as the leader of the Chinese Community Party.

Xi was elected general secretary of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the state media outlet Xinhua reported today. "The results of the 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party fully confirmed your high political authority and the unity of the party you head," Putin said in his congratulatory message posted on the Kremlin website.

"I am certain that the resolutions of the Congress will help successfully implement the grand social and economic tasks facing China, and will assist in strengthening the country's position in the international arena," he added.

Putin also expressed hope for "constructive dialogue and close joint work to develop the relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic alliance between our two states." Since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, China has been among the few countries that have refused to condemn Moscow's invasion of Ukraine and continue to provide tacit support to Putin's Russia.

The US-led sanctions have trimmed Russia's oil revenue but China remains one of the largest buyers of Russian oil, at a much cheaper rate than before the start of the conflict.

Writing for Portal Plus, Valerio Fabbri contended that under the current geopolitical scenario, diplomatic relations between Russia and China are getting stronger as Russia has become dependent on China. "But for China's reliance on Russia as a geopolitical partner, however, is more of a dilemma especially given its stance for peace," he added. (ANI)

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