International News

Sanctions Must be Imposed on Countries that Aid Terrorism: Modi

Sentinel Digital Desk

NEW DELHI: PM Narendra Modi said that sanctions must be imposed on the countries that sponsor terrorism with their foreign policy. The support may be political, ideological or financial in nature.

He was speaking at the third Conference on Counter-Terrorism Financing. The first and second of these conferences were held in Paris in April 2018 and in Melbourne in November 2019 respectively. Apart from the Prime Minister, Indian Home Minister and External Affairs Minister also took part.

This year's event has four sessions, namely 'Global Trends in Terrorism and Terrorist Financing', 'Use of Formal and Informal Channels of Funds for Terrorism', 'Emerging Technologies and Terrorist Financing', and 'International Co-operation to Address Challenges in Combating Terrorist Financing.'

The two-day event saw the presence of over 450 delegates from 70 countries of the world. Several organisational heads ministers and members of the Financial Action Task Force attended the gather

Narendra Modi was addressing a gathering for the 'No Money for Terror Ministerial'. The event was hosted by the Ministry of Home Affairs. He also added that there should not be any considerations in this matter towards countries and organisations and that the world needs to be united against all kinds of overt or covert support towards terrorism.

"The gangs have deep links with terrorists. The money made in gun running, drugs and smuggling is being pumped into terrorism. Action against organised crimes is extremely important in the fight against terrorism," said the prime minister.

He also mentioned that any success gained against terrorist organisations will be in vain if there is no proper strategy towards disrupting their source of finances. He went on to add that proxy wars are continuously carried out across the world and that these are equally harmful to humanity as any real war. And that absence of any physical signs of war does not necessarily mean peace has prevailed. Modi also mentioned that disruptive elements should not be allowed to misuse the differences between individual parties or countries.

He also reiterated India's commitment towards the complete eradication of terrorism and mentioned its impacts on the community over a long period of time. Pressing for a common regulation to handle such issues, he said that all terror-related incidents should be handled with an equal force so that such steps are not repeated.

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