International News

Things to Know About the New US Ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti

Sentinel Digital Desk

WASHINGTON: Eric Garcetti, a former Los Angeles mayor, was confirmed by the US Senate on Wednesday to serve as the country's next ambassador to India.

After Ken Juster's resignation in January 2021, the position remained unfilled for the previous 26 months. The US Senate approved Garcetti's appointment with 52 votes in favour and 42 votes against. Garcetti is regarded as a close ally of US President Joe Biden.

Garcetti expressed his "thrill" and "gratitude" to President Biden in response to his appointment.

"I'm overjoyed with today's result because it was a quick, partisan choice to fill a crucial position that had been unfilled for far too long. Now comes the challenging part. I'm incredibly appreciative of Senators on both sides of the aisle -- whether they supported me or not -- for their careful consideration, as well as President Biden and the White House for their confidence and support throughout this process”, he stated.

Since July 2021, when Biden proposed Garcetti for the position, his appointment has been on hold. Before being chosen as the US ambassador, Garcetti, who was raised in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley, served as the city's 42nd mayor.

He graduated from Columbia University with a BA and an MA. Afterwards, he attended Oxford and the London School of Economics (LSE) as a Rhodes scholar to enhance his education. Garcetti later spoke at the University of Southern California and Occidental College in Los Angeles.

Garcetti is a passionate jazz musician and photographer, according to his website. Also, he has 12 years of experience in the US Navy Reserve. Garcetti was elected as Los Angeles' mayor in 2013, making him the city's youngest mayor in more than a century. Moreover, he was the first Jew to hold the job.

He led the Los Angeles City Council as president from 2006 to 2012. It's interesting to note that Los Angeles was selected to host the 2028 Olympics during the Garcetti administration.

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