International News

Trump not ready to give up US presidential election, claims victory

Sentinel Digital Desk

Washington: US President Donald Trump claimed victory in the election in a fresh tweet saying, "we will win". Trump has not conceded in the US election yet but is seen to be claiming 'big win' in his tweets while also sporting claims of voter frauds against the Democrats.

This came around after several media houses declared Joe Biden as the winner of the US presidential election.

Trump accused rival Joe Biden's Democratic party of 'trying to steal' the election- without citing any evidence. "We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed!" tweeted the president.

President Trump claims that thousands of votes were illegally received after 8pm which changed the results in Pennsylvania and other razor-thin states.

Twitter has consistently flagged Trump's tweets accusing the Democrats of theft. During the vote count on 3rd November, Trump tweeted or retweeted nearly 37 times and Twitter flagged 13 of them on the grounds of 'dispute' and 'misleading' about an election or other civic processes.