International News

Two Chinese Fighter Jets And Chopper Enters Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone

Sentinel Digital Desk

NEW DELHI: In marking the 12th intrusion of March 2022, two Chinese fighter jets and a helicopter entered the ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) of Taiwan.

On Friday 18 March, the Chinese military aircraft infiltrated the ADIZ of Taiwan, the country in East Asia as per reports.

The Taiwan news referring to the MND (Ministry of National Defense) reported that a single People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) Shenyang J-16 fighter jet flew into the southwest part of Taiwan's ADIZ.

A Harbin Z-9 anti-submarine helicopter and two Shenyang J-16 fighter jets entered the air defense identification zone hours after Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong sailed via Taiwan Strait.

In response to the situation, the Taiwan officials sent aircraft and issued radio warnings informing the Chinese aircraft to return back immediately.

They further deployed an air defense missile system to examine and monitor the activities of the PLAAF aircraft and the anti-submarine helicopter.

It is reported that the aircraft was seen during day hours in the southwest sector of the ADIZ coast of the mainland of Taiwan and as there was no land area nearby the place where the helicopter was seen, it is expected that it has taken off from a Chinese navy vessel.

It may be mentioned that the Air Defense Identification Zone is a place that extends beyond the airspace of the country. In this area, air traffic controllers ask incoming aircraft for their identification.

According to reports as per the data of this month, a total of 28 Chinese military planes have been tracked in the ADIZ of Taiwan which includes 3 helicopters, 9 spotter planes and 26 fighter jets.

The largest urban city of China Beijing claims complete sovereignty over Taiwan located off the southeastern coast of mainland China which is a democracy of about 24 million populations.

On the other hand, Taipei the capital city of Taiwan has faced Chinese aggression by expanding strategic ties with the United States and other democracies that opposed Beijing. Notably, China has threatened that the independence of Taiwan means war.

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