International News

UN: India's External Affairs Minister Calls for Global Unity Against Terrorism and for a Fair Order

Sentinel Digital Desk

UNITED NATIONS: In a significant address at the United Nations General Assembly, India's External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, emphasized the importance of not allowing political convenience to dictate responses to terrorism, extremism, and violence. This statement comes amid a diplomatic standoff between India and Canada, underscoring the broader global challenges that require a united response.

Jaishankar stressed the need for respecting territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs, asserting that these principles should not be selectively applied. He argued that when reality diverges from rhetoric, it is essential to have the courage to acknowledge it.

One key aspect of his address was the call for a "rule-based order." Jaishankar noted that the days when a few powerful nations dominated the global agenda are over. While advocating for a rules-based order and adherence to the UN Charter, he highlighted that it is still a limited number of nations that shape the global agenda and norms. He emphasized that this situation cannot persist indefinitely and will inevitably face challenges.

Jaishankar expressed optimism that a fair, equitable, and democratic global order could emerge when all nations work together toward this goal. He spoke of India's evolution from the era of non-alignment to the era of "Vishwa Mitra," signifying India's commitment to promoting cooperation with a diverse array of partners.

India's willingness to engage with a broad range of nations and harmonize interests is evident in various initiatives. The rapid growth of the QUAD (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) reflects India's commitment to collaborative efforts in the Indo-Pacific region. Similarly, the expansion of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) grouping and the emergence of I2U2 (India, Israel, UAE, and the USA) exemplify India's engagement with a diverse set of partners.

Furthermore, Jaishankar highlighted India's role as the current G20 presidency holder, underscoring the country's sense of exceptional responsibility on the global stage. This presidency offers India a unique platform to influence and shape discussions on global economic and political issues.

India's External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, used his address at the United Nations General Assembly to call for global unity in combating terrorism and extremism while advocating for a fair and just world order. He emphasized the need to move away from power-based politics and embrace a rules-based order where all nations have a say in shaping the global agenda. India's commitment to cooperation with diverse partners and its active engagement in various international groupings reflect its dedication to building a more equitable and democratic world.