International News

United Kingdom (UK) plans deportation of Lankan refugees to 'a safe third country'

Sentinel Digital Desk

LONDON: The United Kingdom has decided to move Sri Lankan refugees seeking asylum from the British-claimed Chagos Islands to 'a safe third country,' unless they returned to Sri Lanka 'voluntarily'.

UK has told the asylum seekers that if they cannot be returned to Sri Lanka they will instead be removed to another undisclosed country. Atleast 120 Sri Lankans are believed to be housed in a fenced encampment in Diego Garcia, an island in Chagos Archipelago, reported The Island. Sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago is disputed between Mauritius and the United Kingdom. The United Nations ruled that it belonged to Mauritius and should be handed back to Mauritius. Those who represent the interests of the Sri Lankans want the UK to allow them to settle in the UK.

Over the issue, Global Tamil Forum, an independent, international advocacy organization, which adheres to the principles of democracy and non-violence, and works in solidarity with Tamil-speaking people in Sri Lanka and other communities in Sri Lanka said it will not get involved in the ongoing controversy.

Meanwhile, Australia has reiterated that illegal Sri Lankan immigrants wouldn't be tolerated, under any circumstances. In separate statements, Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil, Australian Border Force Commissioner, Michael Outram, and Operation Sovereign Borders (OSB) Joint Agency Task Force (JATF) Commander Rear Admiral Justin Jones, have issued dire warnings that those who violated their laws would be dealt with, reported The Island. (ANI)

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