International News

US urges China to stop coercing Taiwan

Sentinel Digital Desk

Taipei: The US has urged China to stop coercing Taiwan and resume dialogue with the Taiwan government for a peaceful resolution of differences between the two sides, a spokesperson of the de facto American embassy here said on Thursday. Amanda Mansour’s remarks come after several US Senators and lawmakers backed Taiwan in the wake of last week’s speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping when he refused to rule out the use of military force to achieve reunification with the island, reports Efe news.

“The US has a deep and abiding interest in cross-strait peace and stability. Any resolution of cross-strait differences must be peaceful and based on the will of the people on both sides,” Mansour said in reference to Xi’s speech. The American Institute in Taiwan is the de facto US Embassy in Taipei and represents Washington’s interest on the island since 1979 when Washington broke off ties with Taipei to establish diplomatic relations with Beijing. (IANS)