
Ajoy Kumar Gogoi: This Martyr Continues to be a Household Name, 50 Years On

Sentinel Digital Desk

Half a century has passed since Naik Ajoy Kumar Gogoi made his supreme sacrifice for the nation with unmatched courage. But the army jawan is still living in the hearts of the people in his birth place.

Residents of Khanamukh, the name of a nondescript village in the historic Sivasagar district, broke down in tears to have lost an army jawan in 1971, the year when India had its successful battle with Pakistan. He was none other than Ajoy Kumar Gogoi, who was martyred in Jammu and Kashmir while he was moving in an interior area in the restive region.

Half a century has passed since Naik Ajoy Kumar Gogoi made his supreme sacrifice for the nation with unmatched courage. But the army jawan is still living in the hearts of the people in his birth place. The Naik with the Mahar Regiment is now a household name in the entire Khanamukh area of Sivasagar district. Everybody remembers his valour and courage which forced him to join the armed forces to guard the nation.

His supreme sacrifice for the nation is matter of pride and inspiration for the entire area. He is like a legend in his area. Ajoy's widow Amiyo Prabha Gogoi, the septuagenarian lady, is no less proud of her martyr husband. She still remembers how she was shedding tears as soon as she got to know about the sacrifice of her husband. People in large number thronged her house premises even when the news of her husband's death was spreading like wildfire.

Many organizations and individuals stood by the family and gave them courage indeed. That's what the support of the local people whom he loved meant. At that time the shock in her was inconsolable. But after 50 years, she finds it nice to have remembered her husband's dedication towards the nation. She said that it was as if Ajoy was born and brought up only for serving the nation with a considerable degree of courage and valour. She further feels herself lucky.

Unlike these days, his mortal remains were not brought to his home. Only the ashes were received for ritual performance. That's enough for Amiya Prabha Gogoi in her entire life. Medals and compensations hardly matter for Amiyo Prabha. She feels elated as she reminisces of her husband's dedication for the nation. The family still boasts of his sacrifice. The medals now in the possession of the family are a perennial source of inspiration for the entire family members.

Ajoy had his schooling at a local school in the Khanamukh area where he was born and grew up and then joined the armed force to serve the country.

In his childhood, he evinced keen interest to join the armed forces to guard the nation at all cost. Finally, he made it. A strong and stout Gogoi was found to be sincere and loyal to his duty to serve the nation which was why, he was promoted as Naik.

From his childhood, Ajoy was known for his commanding capability with no less dedication for the society and thus commanded deep love and respect from old and young alike. During his school days, he was a good sports organizer giving lots of courage to his fellows. This is another reason why he is popular in his home turf. Never had he had any individual issue with anybody.

Amiyo Prabha is happy with the governments, both in Delhi and Dispur who acknowledged her husband's sacrifice. After her husband was martyred in Jammu and Kashmir, the government took care of the family comprising wife, two sons and two daughters.

Army facilitated schooling for both the sons and later recruited there. Both of her sons retired a couple of years back. The duo was largely inspired by their father's supreme sacrifice for the nation. They joined the armed forces following in the footsteps of their martyr father and were happy to have served the nation. The Chinese aggression in 1962 took place 9 years before his death.

The neighbours are no less proud of Ajoy Kumar Gogoi whose sacrifice has glorified this entire nondescript area in the historic district of Sivasagar.

To cap it all, Ajoy Kumar Gogoi has served the nation with all might. The country and millions of its people will take inspiration from his dedication even after 50 years. Every single effort would be highly appreciated to focus his outstanding contribution for the motherland. Ajoy Kumar Gogoi's name will stand tall forever for his unputdownable sacrifice for the nation.

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