
Behind every successful woman is her supportive husband

Sentinel Digital Desk

There is a saying that -A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks that others have thrown at her. In the 21st century, women have demonstrated exceptional caliber in every sphere of work that was earlier perceived as a male bastion.

Some decades ago, women were frequently forced to leave their careers for the sake of their families and other social pressures. Times have now changed and women today are no longer restraining their identity to only the domestic space. A husband, who respects his wife and her beliefs can become the biggest pillar in her success and help her in balancing her career and family and improving the lives of their children.

With changing trends, a lot of families have begun to accept and cherish the fact that both partners earning salaries is much better than the man bearing the financial load alone. A lot of women give up their jobs at the time of childbirth to completely focus on the child's upbringing. Issues can arise at this critical life stage, if the husband does not intellectually and financially endeavor to empower his wife

Lack of support from the spouse in terms of career can cause unnecessary yet major problems in the life of the woman. Having to make a choice between her career and the demands from her husband can lead to the end of one or both the things. Why do only women have to make such choices? Why are they always questioned about putting their career goals and aspirations ahead of their family lives?

Women have been working independently in their professional spheres for decades now which have greatly transformed the collective position and status of womenfolk in the world. Support from the spouse is essential for every woman who is working hard and dedicated towards building a career. This support means giving them the extra push when they are feeling exhausted, reminding them of all their excellent qualities that make them suitable for the position they are fighting for and endorsing their aspirations and ambitions.

From sports to technology, women have created their identity in everything today. In a society, where being a woman in itself brings its own sets of challenges, Indian boxer Mary Kom's husband Karung Onkholer fought for her dreams at every step.

Ankita Borah, a guest faculty at a college in Guwahati says, "My aim is to become a civil servant and my husband who is the strongest pillar of my life has been constantly encouraging me in my goals. He does not ever let me get paralyzed or crippled by the obstacles that life throws at me."

When couples create schedules and work on parenting duties together a woman's professional life becomes a lot easier. Today many men respect their wives for who they are and what they do and not just for their gender roles (wife, mother and daughter-in-law). Needless to say, a man who supports a wife and vice versa end up setting good precedents for their children.

By: Saswati Sarma

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