
Downed by terrorists in J&K’s Poonch

Sentinel Digital Desk


Recalling memories of her husband, Kiran Bala Roy further says, “Although the time spent with my husband was short, but I wish I get him as my husband in all my lives. He never got the time to take us on trips, as he was home for very short periods. When he was home his friends would always visit us, and they would recollect old times and talk no end

Havildar Samanta Kumar Roy of Mondolgram in Goalpara District of Assam was posted in the 3rd Assam Battalion at Jammu and Kashmir, where he died on August 7, 1998. The brave soldier lost his life in an encounter with terrorists while he was on a routine patrolling duty at Poonch, Jammu and Kashmir. The family was informed of his death after a day by personnel of the local police station. His wife, Kiran Bala Roy shares with Melangememories of her late husband.

Havildar Samanta Kumar Roy left behind three children and his family members at the time of his demise. His elder daughter was 7years old, his second child was 4 years old and his son was only one and half years old, when he lost his life. The family last saw him in February when he was home on vacation.

Kiran Bala Roy recalls, “My husband was a very loving and caring person. My children were very small when we received the news of his death. They barely remember their father. I can still recall the day when we received the news of his death. He died while on duty, and we were informed by the local police station the next day. The police officials came to our house and took me with them to identifythe body of my husband. . After identification they dropped me home. We were handed o his body after which his last rites were performed. The officials from his battalion helped us conduct his last rites.”

According to Kiran BalaRoy, HavildarSamanta Kumar Roy was on usual patrolling duty. His troop encountered the terrorists and he was shot. The brave soldier succumbed to his injuries, but not before fulfilling his duty towards his motherland.

The late martyr was loved by his family, friends and fellow village people. He was respected by all. Currently, Kiran BalaRoys works in ONGC and she stays at Nazira with her children. Her second daughter is already married and has a child. Her elder daughter and son live with her.

Kiran Bala Roy says, “Life was hard after my husband’s demise. It still feels like a dream. We had so many dreams and wanted to give a decent life to all three our children. Who knew that such a tragedy would befall us. With the passage of time my memories of my husband have also faded. But I still remember how muchhe loved his children. He took care of us wholeheartedly.”

She narrates, “My husband was loved by our neighbours, his friends and fellow villagers. He loved his job and was always ready to serve his nation. His duty came first and he was very brave. He was always ready to help the fellow villagers whenever they were in need of any help. He also loved to spend time with his friends as theyusually got to meet after a long time. He was a very likeable person and never fought with anyone in his family.”

Kiran Bala Roy now looks after the family with the dependent pension that she receives. According to her, he Army provided her with monetary assistance to conduct the rituals after his death. She also received all the monetary grants that they were entitled to.

She says, “ I knew that children belonging from a martyr’s family received help in the form of scholarships to assist them in their studies. But since we have to apply for it every year, I never applied for it. I also never made the dependent card. I am getting the pension though. The Army also offered me a job to run my household. Now I am working in ONGC at Nazira.”

Kiran Bala Roy says, “My husband knew how to mix with the people. He never did any harm to anybody. After his death, my husband’s family took care of me. I stayed with them, but for my job I shifted to Nazira with my children.”

She adds, “My husband was the first martyr from our area. The villagers cried with our family when they lost their brave son. We have built a memorial in his honour at our village. It was built by our family members and it still stands strong there in memory of my husband.”

Recalling memories of her husband, Kiran Bala Roy further says, “Although the time spent with my husband was short, but I wish I get him as my husband in all my lives. He never got the time to take us on trips, as he was home for very short periods. When he was home his friends would always visit us, and they would recollect old times and talk no end.”

As a martyr’s wife Kiran Bala Roy is invited to the meetings held in various places across Assam to honour the brave hearts who made the supreme sacrifice for their motherland. She is also invited to several events organised by the armed forces, especially his unit. She says that on December 7th 2022 she was called to meet the Governor of Assam at Guwahati.

She says, “I was also invited to a meeting in Rangiya, but I could not go for various reasons. As a memory all I have is the good times spent with my husband. I am very proud of my husband. When I go to these meetings, and when they recall my husband, I feel a sense of pride at being the wife of a brave soldier. I feel I am very lucky that I got such a husband and all I wish is that I get a husband like him in my next life. Had my husband been alive, he would have been standing here with me now. I feel sad at the same time when I remember the short time that I spent with him. It still feels like a dream. He left us too soon. Twentyfive years have passed since he left us, but it still feels like yesterday.”

The martyr continues to live in the memories of his loved ones. They still remember him as the brave heart who courageously gave his life fighting terrorists. His friends and fellow members from his troop still call the family to enquire about their well- being. They lost a beloved soldier and a very good person. It has been 25 years since the family lost a brave son, a great husband, a great friend and a beloved father, but for his family he continues to live on in their memories. He continues to be an inspiration to his family and his fellow friends and villagers.

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