
Early Childhood and Child Behaviour…. Because Child Mental Health Matters

Sentinel Digital Desk

The early childhood period often called the 'wonder years' from 0 -3 years and thereafter up to 7 to 8 years are the most crucial years for child development and growth. A major part of brain development, almost up to 70 to 80 per cent, happens during this period. Every child needs positive stimulation and nurturing for healthy development. Children's early experiences and the environment they grow up in often have a major impact on how the brain adapts to situations and develops for learning. Therefore, a home is considered the best place for development.

A child learns with all kinds of 'experiences', and since most development happens at this stage their brain growth helps them to make meaning out of these experiences. A child also learns through play, so play is one of the best mediums for them to learn. They learn through their 'senses', so activation of all the senses i.e. touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste make an impact in terms of how they perceive things. Playing with clay, doing puzzles, singing rhymes, and playing outdoor games allows the child to develop physically and cognitively.
Any adverse or traumatic event at this stage is often stored as a memory, especially if the child does not have a safe place or person to go to or to resolve and work through the issue or the trauma. There is evidence now to show that adversity and stress can affect the child's developing brain and make some children more susceptible to stress-related disorders later in life. These disorders can impact their physical health, learning and education, employment and mental health issues.
How our children behave is part of child growth. It is very important to observe the child's behaviour as they are giving us signals of what we can do for them. Research has indicated that young children can experience a range of mental health issues like depression, anxiety disorders or anti-social behaviours that are normally considered adult behaviours. For example, Rima (name changed), four years old is a timid child. She does not talk to others and only responds when spoken to and often wets her bed. She does not like to play in a group and cries when anyone speaks in a loud voice. Upon talking to the parents, it was understood that she has repeatedly seen her parents fight verbally and physically in front of her.
Rima was given support by individual therapy to overcome her fear, as well as parental counselling, was conducted so that she has a conducive environment at home to grow positively. Therefore, a multifaceted approach needs to be taken for the proper growth and development of a child. This must include not only the individual (the child) but also the parents, schools and communities. Interventions need to be consistent, effective and nurturing at the same time for the healthy growth of the child. A child must have a reliable and safe place at home as well as at out-of-home care. With every little behaviour of theirs, they are telling you something about themselves. Observe your child closely, listen to them carefully, take away their fears and support their needs and moreover. It is of extreme importance to treat children with a lot of love.

By: Meenakshi Barthakur,

Consultant Psychologist

Ask Dr. Sangeeta Goswami, counselling psychologist
How can I help my seven-year-old child overcome her phobia for cats?
Extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something is called Phobia. Most of us have fears of some kind or the other but if it becomes very intense, it may interfere with our daily to day activities. You may try to gradually expose your child to cats in a step by step manner. For example, initially watching the cat from far, then moving closer to the cat, then next moving around the cat and finally allowing the child to touch and pet the cat. This should be done over a period of a time. Do not rush the child. Allow the child to take her time for each step. Appreciate your child every time she is able to do the activity. In case she is unable to any of the steps, reach out to mental health professionals for support
Dr. Sangeeta Goswami, is the first counselling psychologist to have set up an independent counselling clinic in North East India in 1996. In 2006, she and her husband Mr Abhijit Goswami established MIND India, Institute of Positive Mental Health & Research dedicated to the cause of ushering in the benefits of positive mental health and wellbeing to the general population Dr. Goswami has been providing counselling and psycho - therapy for individuals with issues related to adjustment problems, anxiety, depression, work stress, career, academics, marriage and family counselling. Dr. Goswami is running a comprehensive multi - disciplinary mental wellness centre , under MIND India which is one of its kind in the North East of India
MIND India Wellness Centre is a comprehensive multi-disciplinary mental health facility creating a space to address every facet of positive living and wellbeing from children to elderly care 187 Maniram Dewan Road, Chandmari , Guwahati 781 003; Assam, India, 0361-2667269, +91 98640 67594, 9101439197, 8876043151, 7002098629 Insta: mindindia_ Email:;