
Festive recipes

Sentinel Digital Desk

The season of joy and light has arrived, and the air is thick with festive cheer! This time of year, scrumptious baked goods, divine sweets, and hearty savoury dishes are the centre of every family gathering. So put on your chef hats and get ready to try these Quaker recipes which add love, flavour, and wholesome goodness:

Apple Cinnamon Oats Cake Recipe

Ingredients: Quaker Oats 1 cup, skimmed milk 1 cup, unsweetened apple sauce 1/2 cup, orange juice 2 tbsp, brown sugar (optional) 2 tbsp, grated apple 1, buckwheat flour 1 cup, baking powder 1tsp, baking soda 1/2 tsp, cinnamon 1 tsp salt to taste.

Instructions: Pour 1 cup of Quaker Oats and soak in milk for 15 mins. Cook apples in water till soft. Cool and Grind to a smooth puree with 2 TSP of orange juice. Add brown sugar and buckwheat flour to oats mixture. Add baking powder, Cinnamon and Baking Soda to oats mixture. Add one grated apple after squeezing out its juice. Add 1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce. Mix everything together to form a smooth batter. Pour Batter into a greased pan. Decorate with finely sliced apples. Bake for 20-25 mins in a pre-heated oven at 200oC. (IANS)