
Get your Child Excited about School

Sentinel Digital Desk

Preparing children well in advance for a new start is always helpful for them. It aids is settling down relatively easily. Children have their own way of viewing the world around them. Therefore it is imperative to explain things in a way that they can comprehend.

For a child who is starting school for the very first time, the concept of sitting in a formal classroom setting, following instructions of educators, seeing so many new faces may appear frightening for them. It may be a good idea to carry out a role play at home before start of the session. Share one's own positive anecdotes of going to school (even though it may have been otherwise).This may help ease the initial reservations and queries of the child. Also it is always a good idea to make your child aware that whenever they require any help or guidance to always inform their class educator or class attendant. As many a times the child may feel hesitant to do so.

It is also a good idea to have a sort of dry run before start of the academic session in terms of bedtime, wake up time and complete basic chores of using the washroom, hand wash, tying shoes etc. Though this may seem basic for the child these are points they often worry about. Speaking about these basic points and having practice sessions in the comfortable home environment would be very much helpful for the child when they actually step into the school environment. The confidence and experience of having done them before would be easeful for them.

Similar for children who are shifting schools, the stresses and concerns are similar. Make sure to talk to them frankly about their queries and concerns. Though change can be good, it can also cause distress. Approach the school if they would permit for you to take your child for a school visit before the start of the new session. Take a walk around the school grounds, show him/her his new classroom, basic areas and especially the toilet area. As this is a concern majority children have but most often refrain from sharing. Also give them examples of children who have changed schools and assure things will settle eventually. Make them excited regarding this new change in their lives. Try to make it a family event the entire process of getting ready for the new school. Make sure to show patience whenever they have doubts or recurrent doubts. Your patience as a parent will help ease the stress of your child. Make sure to keep your own concerns away from your child.

Children are very adaptable. Most of them will manage joining school for the first time, shifting schools or joining a higher class. However it is important for parents to be aware of how the child is feeling about the same. When parents become stressed that stress becomes contagious; children know when their parents are tense and overwhelmed.

Being mindful as parents and keeping one's calm compose will in turn help the child maintain theirs. Managing one's own emotions and behaviors is the key to teaching children how to manage theirs.

With best wishes for the new academic session.

Ms. Gariasi Dutta, MSW (TISS), Dip.CMH (NIMHANS), Certified in Addiction Counselling (NIMHANS)

Psychological Counsellor

down town hospital


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