
Monika Teronpi's Arleng:A Karbi Poet Muses on Man in Assamese

Sentinel Digital Desk


The title of Monika Teronpi's poetic debut Arleng undoubtedly won half the battle in making the young girl of Karbi Anglong really famous. 'Arleng' means 'Man' and the book written by Monika deals with the infinitely diverse shades of humanity in poem after poem – 'Nilam' , 'Mandur Pora' , 'Tomar Saharloi ', 'Akashei Mor Thikona', 'Noiporiya Ajolanga Kamponi', 'Jonbair Khong', 'Tumi Luitpran' and others. Usually new poets unconsciously show a lack of confidence in their utterance and expressions. They take refuge in the unintelligible vagueness for hiding it and poetry sometime becomes a puzzle. This does not happen in the poems of Monika.

There is an incredible simplicity even where the young poet tries to deal with the complexities of life. She writes about contemporary society in a sensible way and in the midst of earthly desires of life , she searches for truth, which is called 'the quintessence of living' .Monika is a young poet of our times with a promise of being engaged in a creative frenzy with an incredibly deeper sensibility at her age. Her imageries, her choicest diction, her sense of rhythm and above all her conviction make her poetical debut quite significant as a contribution to modern Assamese literature. The reader cannot stop in the middle, once his reading of the poems begin and continues until he reaches the last titular poem 'Arleng' where she writes :" Manuhor mukhe mukhe/ Itihas or pate pate / Nigori ahiso ami" ( On the lips of man/ In the pages of history/ we flowed out ) followed by a big question " Who am I?" (Ami kun?). Then the true poetic voice is resonant with the love of man for nature – the hills, the rocks, the heritage , and culture – all the ideas ascending to a climactic height for the declaration – 'My identity is my humanity / I am Arleng( Amar porisoi –manuh ami/ I am Arleng'. She pays humble tribute to Padmashree Awardee poet Rongbong Terang of Diphu whose Rongmilir Hahi , Samanway Prabah ,Faringor Geet, Smritir Papori or Neela Orchid inspired her poetic oeuvre. She referred to his Krantikalar Ashru Jak Heroa Pakhi or Langsoliator Kukrung and these show her love for reading poetry and an urge to follow her poetic predecessors.

Monika started writing poems in Karbi language since 2003, during her college days. But she got first poem in Assamese published in 'Paharidoot', an Assamese daily in 2007. In spite of her love for Assamese poets like Hiren Bhattacharya, Nilomoni Phukan and Nabakanta Barua.. Besides her love for her own mother tongue Karbi, she loves to read the poetry of Rabindra Nath Tagore, W. Wordsworth, and W.B.Yeats, Poetry has no language, it has to be felt. So a poet like Hare Krishna Deka did not find any grave mistake in her ungrammaticality in some of her expressions in the poems which on the other hand gave her poems an exceptional freshness of idiom. Monika herself wrote "Poetry is the mirror to life. Poetry creates the melodious rhythm of the soul. In each moment of life, in each season of nature, poetry offers musical lesson for living in a better way. In spite of her preoccupations with poetry and college studies, she found a joy doing various social work, including women empowerment, since her college days. She served as the district President of North East Girls' Student's Association, and even at present remains deeply engaged in working for Centre for Environment & Climate Action Foundation, India (CECAF) as district convener. So her poetry draws its life force from the real happenings around her.

Her total pomes in the book are fifty in number and most of which betray her passionate soul- sometimes writhing in pain as in 'Chila Ura Akaxh', 'Ratir Sankhadhwani;or' Rod or Siti', sometimes soars in positive ecastasy as in 'Jivan' 'Barixar Prothamjak Boroxun'or sometimes in nostalgic effusion as in Akaxhei Mor Thikona' or 'Smritir Solaboror Gondh. Some lines are unforgettable for their elegiac tone: 'Mouno Unth e Usupi uthe /Kot heral mor ostittwo?' (the silent lips weep out/ where have I lost my identity") This is the sigh of the young generation facing the strain and stress of futile reality. . Her poetic passion and honest commitment to poetry made the publication of Arleng possible which brought for her 'The Best Poetry Book Award' from Zilla Kobi Sanmilan, Karbi Anglong. Her poetry is an attempt to redefine man and humanity. She is above all the poet of a red heart and red, as Che Guevara once said, is the colour of love and revolution. The poem Ronga Rong beautifully depicts the ecstatic rainbow of her mind. : "Keeping the crimson sunset as witness, you gifted me the Red heart of yours- the blood red heart."(Ronga belitok sakshi kori / Tomar kolija tu mok upohar disila/Tejronga tomar kolijatu) . This line reveals the promise of great poetry from the golden pen of Monika Teronpi.

In traditional Karbi society, every occasion is a ritual and every ritual is an occasion. From cradle to the grave, a Karbi life is governed by myriad ritual observances The concept of good and evil is highly vibrant in the Karbi society, and is based on the religious practices of the people. However it is a grave concern that, with modernism, the Karbi society in the present context is marching towards a situation of "loss of cultural identity" .This angst for identity crisis is laid bare in the poems of Monika and we may hope that she will also write in her mother tongue her masterpiece like her adorable poet Rong Bong Terang. Monika's poems are mostly prose poems. But after reading her Assamese poem the words of Charles Baudelaire come to our mind: "Always be a poet, even in prose."

Assamese Title of the book : Arieng (Hard Cover)

Author : Monika Teronpi

Publisher Purbayon, Guwahati

Publication Date 30 June 2022

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