
Not finding your home, Let Facebook search it for you!

Sentinel Digital Desk

Guwahati: In a joint effort of Facebook and MIT Media Lab, Facebook has determined to find a home for people who have not been able to find their homes. There are about four billion such people in the world who do not have a permanent shelter to name as their home and it is thinking about them that the social media platform is thinking of finding a way of identifying their residence.

Facebook, for that, has taken help of machine learning and satellite imagery through which a system is built that will be capable of identifying and assigning addresses to help seekers in a cheap and efficient manner. In order to find an appropriate solution for finding a home for people, the team of Facebook and MIT trained a deep-learning algorithm which will scan the satellite images and identify the pixels. Following this, the algorithm will stitch the pixels into a network of roads.

It is not that Facebook has come up with something like this for the very first time as before this, Google had come up with similar efforts of finding out the unaddressed rural lands. But other than the hurdles coming in identifying the addresses, what bothers or troubles more is having these results adopted widely by the governments and citizens.