
Parenting Tips for Parents of Addicted Children

Sentinel Digital Desk

A significant number of people are struggling with drug abuse all across the world. From teens to elderly people, anyone can fall prey to substance abuse. It is very easy for children and teens to fall prey to negative influences around them in society. If you are a parent of a child who is addicted to substance and drug abuse, you need to inculcate a great deal of understanding, acceptance, patience and healthy measures to help them recover from addiction.

Here are some measures or tips that you as a parent need to incorporate to help your addicted child free himself from the hazardous trap.

1. First, it is necessary for you as a parent to work towards re-building the relationship with your children who is/are addicted. A proper way to do this is to ensure assertive communication. This includes a perfect weigh of questioning and active listening. Asking open-ended and non-judgmental questions is a good way to initiate this. Open-ended questions will pave way for better exchange of ideas between you and your children. In doing so, your children will be able to express their feelings, concerns and struggles. Additionally, not that being too emotional, too upset or too sarcastic and ignoring the problems will harm the relationship.

2. Instead of giving too much attention to your children's mistakes and decision-making, it is more effective to encourage positive behaviours, while emphasizing on optimism and change. Focusing more on your children's mistakes will diminish their self-esteem and confidence. Encouragement and optimism on the other hand leads to teamwork and cooperation. It also forbids conflict and negativity from surfacing.

3. It is important to develop clear set of guidelines for your children and aware them about what counts as acceptable and what does not. However, ensure that you develop these guidelines in collaboration with your children. On doing so, your children will get a chance to state their views on the consequences of their behaviours. The best guidelines are the ones, which comprises of cause and effects. Even though it is not possible to monitor every event, laying down guidelines for the most common events reduces the odds for emotionally driven reactions. Lastly, strong guidelines work out only when you are consistent about it. If you let some of your child's actions pass, the effect of the guidelines will subside down.

4. Guidelines are more like a set of rules. In addition to it, it is also necessary to create boundaries, i.e., it is necessary to be clear about what you will do for your child and what you won't. People in clutches of drug addiction are capable of testing boundaries and manipulation. Thus, during calm moments, make your boundaries clear. In doing so, consistency will prevail when your boundaries are tested.

5. On catering to children who are drug addicts, it might take a toll on your health as well. This is because addicted children go through long periods of turmoil. You might be stressed out and face burnouts during the process of caring for your child. Thus, it is important to prioritise self-care. If you are not well yourself, you will face difficulty in aiding your child. You will face hardships in making decision, being consistent and encouraging your child.

Remember, Addiction is a long condition that involves long periods of relapse and recovery. So be considerate and don't stigmatize your child if he starts getting addicted to any substance. Rather make yourself aware of the type of addiction and available options to help your child come out of it. Approach the right authority and seek help.

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