
Research Finds Marathon Running Can Increase Risk of Cardiac Strain

Sentinel Digital Desk

After examination the number of cardiac biomarkers, researchers analysed that running a marathon will increase cardiac strain in amateur runners. Although there was a very little distinction in 10-year risk for cardiovascular events between the runners, the strain on the heart muscle was abundant larger when a full marathon.

According to a study conducted at the Camilo Jose Cela University, the incidence of cardiac arrests in runners is merely concerning one in 50,000 runners who compete in races, however, a high proportion of all exercise-induced cardiac events occur throughout marathons, particularly in older men.

The findings are published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

“We usually assume that marathon runners are healthy people, without any risk factors that may incline them to a cardiac event throughout or when a race. Our findings recommend that running shorter endurance races would possibly scale back the strain obligatory on the heart muscle throughout a running competition,” aforesaid lead investigator Juan Del Coso.