
The C factor makes a man attractive to women

Sentinel Digital Desk

Perfectly chiseled and toned bodies, deep eyes and throaty voices – these are but the surface level and apparent attributes that make a man attractive to a woman. However, according to behavioral psychologists and relationship experts a man's nonverbal behavior has a profound impact in terms of making him appear attractive or otherwise in front of a woman (read potential dating or romantic partner).

Broadly, here are some non-verbal behaviours displayed by men who are successful in garnering positive female attention:

• More short-term glancing at women, signaling sexual interest through eye contact

• More space maximization movements, such as moving their arms and legs so as to take up space and assert dominance.

• Fewer closed-body movements such as folding their arms or crossing their legs

One thing common to all of the behaviours outlined above is that they convey a level of confidence. We might therefore consider other areas where successful men display confidence.

Confident posture

Men may also convey a degree of confidence in the way they walk and in the posture they adopt. According to psychologists, women generally express a preference for men who walk in a manner that exhibits a degree of poise (upright walk, with some sway in the upper body.


Humour has long been known to be important in sustaining romantic relationships. Women in relationships with humorous partners rate them as being more creative and intelligent, and also as being more popular and better leaders. Furthermore, in terms of their sexual relationships, women in relationships with more humorous partners reported that they had more sex with them, initiated sex more often, and felt more committed to their partners.

Interestingly, more surprisingly women seem to choose men who have a sense of humour over those who do not, even if their humour is unsophisticated. A possible explanation for this is that generating humour takes a degree of self confidence and poise. Furthermore, physically attractive men who use self-deprecating humour are rated as more desirable than physically attractive males who did not use this type of humour. According to psychologists self-deprecating humour requires a degree of confidence to deliver and is this that makes the difference in physically attractive men.

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