
The Grim Deforestation Scene

Sentinel Digital Desk


According to some estimates, human activity is responsible for the death of anywhere from 10 billion to 15 billion trees every year over the entire planet

In the current age, when we talk of 'wild and noisy' forests, we are referring to places that previously throbbed with life and served as the habitats of now endangered animals like orang-utans and jaguars. Those wild forests have since been 'domesticated' and now a 'peaceful atmosphere' prevails in them as the flora and fauna have ceased to exist there. It is known to all that there was a rich and varied life in the woodlands only in the past.

Around the time that the earliest people started their journey through the different periods of evolution, there were almost twice as many trees on the earth as there are today. Furthermore, the rate of forest degradation that has occurred over the course of the last couple of centuries, has been the fastest that has ever been recorded. This is because human activity has resulted in the destruction of a greater number of trees than at any other time in history.

According to some estimates, human activity is responsible for the death of anywhere from 10 billion to 15 billion trees every year over the entire planet. This is not a sustainable practice, nor is it really prudent. It is not good for the environment at all, nor is it good for the people or wildlife. Hence, this should be stopped immediately.

However, to date, our efforts to check the clearing of land and felling of trees have not been completely successful despite the fact that we are taking every reasonable step to check degradation of forests. Though governments, environmental activists and corporations have put in laborious efforts over the years, there is still a significant amount of work to be done.

Whether or not we are aware, deforestation has an adverse effect on each one of us, even if we do not directly or immediately feel the outcome of this phenomenon.

Critical importance of forests

In addition to adding to the beauty of the landscape, forests are an important factor for maintaining the overall health of our planet. We would be in a highly hazardous situation if they were not there. They provide sustenance and protection for a significant number of the species that can be found on this planet – ranging from mushrooms and insects to tigers and elephants.

Forests play a significant role with regard to the patterns of rainfall, the quality of water and soil, and the prevention of flooding. It is impossible to overstate the significance of forests because millions of people either make their homes in them or are directly dependent on them for their means of subsistence.

The hazards that are posed by felling of trees go far beyond the concerns that have only been voiced with regard to the impact on the climate and the loss of biodiversity. It is estimated that deforestation and other forms of forest degradation are responsible for approximately ten per cent of the increase in the average temperature across the globe. If we do not put an end to deforestation, there is simply no chance that we will be successful in preventing the climate catastrophe that is already unfolding.

It is currently more important than it has ever been for us, to work towards the conservation of the natural habitats of the animals that make their homes in the woodlands.

Reasons for disappearance of forests

The clearing of land for agricultural purposes is the primary reason behind the majority of instances of deforestation. The preparation of land for agriculture requires the removal of vegetation from the area. This practice has been around for a very long time.

In order to develop the agricultural land, human beings cleared a significant portion of the natural woodlands over the course of the past several centuries. Animal husbandry and the manufacturing of soy and palm oil are responsible for the highest amount of deforestation that is occurring today. In order to make room for the production of soy on the land, enormous swathes of tropical forests are cut down and removed. This is done with the intention of feeding domesticated animals like pigs and chickens. The production of soy to meet the demand for animal feed is the primary reason of the adverse impact on the environment. The chicken, bacon, etc, that are sold in our stores are contributing to the destruction of forests all over the world.

Thus, the industry that is particularly responsible for the destruction of natural habitats is animal agriculture. On the other hand, the reasons for animal rearing can be traced to the eating patterns practised all over the world.

Time for immediate action

Now that we are aware of the widespread damage that has been caused by deforestation – in particular its horrible rate and magnitude all over the world – we need to make earnest efforts to combat the problem. We must take little steps every day so that deforestation can be stopped at all places. Afforestation and reforestation are the need of the hour.

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