
The Societal Route to Combat Gender Inequalities

Sentinel Digital Desk

Gender equality arises because we do not accept each individual as individuals are. And society plays a major role in gender discrimination as well as gender equality. In short, if a society can discriminate between individuals, then society can also play a role in order to gap the bridge of genders and maintain an equilibrium, hence creating a gender equal society.

Men and women have equal opportunities to participate in activities at all levels and to enjoy political, economic, social, and cultural benefits and obligations in a "gender-equal society." Parity goals and human rights are the foundation of a gender-equal society. To be fair, every action must respect the human rights of men and women equally and allow each person to live comfortably. This requires world peace in any country.

Without human rights, it would be impossible to build a society where women are protected from discrimination and violence, can be independent, and are recognised as unique individuals.

Everyone has a say in public policy and benefits from it. Equal participation of men and women in public policy decision-making would reflect social structure and a mature democracy, creating a more balanced society.

When building and managing social structures, it's important to consider how they affect men and women. Without social structures and frameworks that openly prohibit sexual discrimination, written provisions for equality between men and women would be insufficient. Raising people's awareness and sensitivity will help achieve equality.

Women's participation in social activities isn't restricted to labour. Diverse people must participate in social activities to build new values for a prosperous 21st century. This would allow us to develop new ways to solve problems currently at an impasse, men to select different lifestyles, and men and women to enjoy improved living standards.

What is the role of society in maintaining gender equality?

Gender equality arises because we do not accept each individual as individuals are. And society plays a major role in gender discrimination as well as gender equality. In short, if a society can discriminate between individuals, then society can also play a role in order to gap the bridge of genders and maintain an equilibrium, hence creating a gender equal society.

Some steps which society can implement to create a gender equality are:

Communicate with females

We haven't achieved global gender equality because women and girls' opinions are routinely disregarded in international and national decision-making processes.

Mobile phones for girls

Infrastructure issues and economic factors prevent most Indian ladies from utilising phones and computers. Women should get equal resources, rights, and opportunities with technology.

Stop child marriage and sexual harassment

Child marriage hinders girls' education. Ending child marriage will help girls finish school. Girls' sexual harassment must be addressed. Parents marry their daughters out of insecurity. This hinders girls' education.

Gender-proof education

Access to education has increased, but progress on gender sensitivity has been slow, including ensuring textbooks that promote positive stereotypes. This is crucial for girls to become equal citizens.

Raise girls' parents' aspirations

Parents must recognise that their daughters have opportunities beyond becoming good wives and mothers.

Women's empowerment

Empowering women in the community improves girls' education. When women are educated and empowered, they send their daughters to school.

Valuing women's work

Females around the world perform unpaid labour that benefits economies everywhere. The media, the business world, and the public all need to make this point clear. More information and studies should be conducted to highlight the importance of women's and girls' roles in the economy, as well as the need for them to be recognised and compensated for their work. There needs to be a worldwide movement for "equal pay for equal work."

Empower women

Promoting greater female representation in state, provincial, and federal legislatures as a means of effecting social change has helped women overcome many systemic barriers to success. Empowering women requires a woman's voice and leadership in her community.

Promote non-traditional careers for women

Supporting women in non-traditional vocations can alter their lives and break social taboos.


To close the education gap, we must involve everyone, including girls in this case. Girls know their education challenges best, so we must include them in discussions to close the gap.

End violence

Abuse of women is fueled by the gender gap. According to the United Nations, present or former partners account for the vast majority of violent assaults against women.

Avoid backlash

When women "trespass" in what is considered male-dominated spaces, there is often a penalty. Sexual harassment, humiliation, and violence are common in education and the workplace. Locally or specifically, this slows women's entry into a sector or opportunity.

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