
Want to learn Vegetable Gardening? Best Vegetables to grow at home

You need patience and maneuver to grow vegetables at home. Choose the right vegetable. Read this article to get an idea on vegetable gardening.

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Vegetable gardening is an art. You need a whole lot of patience and the right maneuver and a bit of hard work to plant vegetables at home.

A perfect home gardening needs a plan to choose the right location, looking for the size of the garden, and also selecting the right vegetables to grow at home.

Some tips and tricks for home gardening:

Home gardening can be equally entertaining if done in the right manner. There are several factors to consider before planting vegetables at home. They are:

1. Selecting the right location:

You must select the right location where the soil is rich and well-drained. Also, you must look if the site is well exposed to sunlight as plants need proper sunlight to grow.

2. Selecting the right size:

Your garden should neither be too big nor too small. The size of the garden depends on various factors like for what purpose you need a garden, and also depends on vegetables you want to grow etc.

3. Decide what kind of vegetables you are willing to grow: 

• If you have a small garden, don't go for bigger fruit or vegetable that needs more space. You will also need a good amount of production for each row.

• Go for vegetables that are expensive to buy.

4. Properly organize the vegetables:

organize the vegetables in such a way that space is used efficiently. For example, the vine crops need to be planted near a fence to get support to grow.

5. Know the right seasons to grow:

Based on seasons, vegetables are classified into 2 groups: warm seasons and cool seasons. You must have an accurate knowledge of vegetables to grow in specific seasons.

Some best vegetables to grow at home:

Here are some of the best vegetables that you can grow at home:

• Coriander:

It is a herb that adds a good smell and flavor to various dishes. It can be grown in a pot and doesn't need more space.

• Potatoes:

It is quite simple to grow a potato. You just need to bury an entire potato in the soil and wait for some days. It will grow by itself.

• Pumpkins:

It is simple to plant and can bud anywhere. Just burry the seed from the pumpkin and wait for a few days.

• Basils:

Growing basil is quite interesting because of its varied appearance. It grows anytime the entire year and can take a new form in summer.

• Pepper:

It is also quite easy to grow at home. Just gather the seeds and plant them in your garden.

• Lemon:

If you are a big fan of lemon and love lemon in almost everything then just plant them. Simple pick the seeds and plants them in your garden and within 1 year you can have your own lemon.

• Tomatoes:

Just pick the seeds from the tomato or burry half of a tomato. A tomato plant will be grown.

• Green onions:

You just need to dip the unused part along with the root of the onion into a glass of water and place it in such a place where it is exposed to sunlight. The new shoot will be grown in a few days.