
Women Empowerment on the Catwalk

Sentinel Digital Desk

We exist in a time when talk of empowerment is very enthralling and motivating. Society is heading towards a period where talk of empowerment would be inclusive of humans as a whole and not in terms such as, "women empowerment". The term 'women empowerment might not exist as a separate entity for too long.

The aspect of fashion in the context of women's empowerment is immense. From facilitating work in the fashion industry to dressing themselves up in dresses which make them feel confident and good about themselves, fashion has made sure to empower women in all possible ways.

Fashion is a medium of power, self-expression and identity. The idea is deeper in the case of women. Moreover, fashion is dynamic. It is always evolving with one trend after another. Amidst everything, it constantly holds on as an important element of lifestyle. It is also considered an art form as it gives a way to express freely.

When it comes to women, first of all, we are surrounded by media. Thus it is obvious to constantly be bombarded with discussions of what to wear and what not to. Fashion is accessible through the internet with the help of influencers, bloggers, designers, brands and of course e-commerce. With the increase in popularity, fashion is also becoming more powerful. At present, women use fashion as a way to empower themselves and others around them. Women are using fashion as a medium to initiate and inspire change.

Women in the past few decades have walked out of their age-old lifestyles. They are stepping out of their comfort zones, navigating through the world in ways that they did not do previously. They are making their voices heard politically and pushing themselves forward in all aspects of life. They are also attending college at a rate which is far more than their male counterparts. This did not come easily. This position involved centuries of fighting for equality.

Women are making various connections on social media platforms such as Instagram and putting up their voices. But the question that is important is how fashion finds its way amidst all of this. Fashion is also an important notion of feminism.

Fashion trends change like the course of a river. There have been obvious and various shifts in dresses. For instance, the shift from dresses and skirts to pants is the one known to all. This has been impactful on those women who are still exploring their identities.

Our society runs on trends and trends demand innovation and new ideas. Thus trends lead women to invent new ideas that can make their lives better. They are now not limited to dresses they wear and figure out the perfect combination of expression that suits them. For example, it is not rare to find women showing off athletic outfits or fancy sneakers, depicting the power they feel as a woman.

Women have forever been subjects to sexism, racism and body-shaming frequently. Fashion brands, in this case, have facilitated various movements and campaigns that empower women. Women's empowerment has often stood at the surface of social movements.

Marketing campaigns in the present time are no longer just advertisements. They represent social and personal messages which speak to one directly. Thus it is very important to find authenticity in these representations.

With the user of fashion, women are capable of resisting oppression, battle with inequality and fighting against social injustice. Clothes are a women's replica of who they are, what they believe in what they aspire to be. Women choose their clothes, not with the intention of making their bodies more desirable but to indicate that they have control over their own bodies. One's individuality, gender identity, sexuality and even politics can be represented with fashion.

For many women, fashion is also a way of ensuring a long life. It is an attitude towards life. Empowerment is an idea which is intertwined with equality. And equality is facilitated by fashion to a great extent. Every person deserves equality irrespective of their sex or race. Whether or not our society will actually achieve true quality one day, one must not stop thriving for it. Fashion can surely be a way of achieving equality.

Women are motivated to fight against the inequalities prevailing in society when they feel powerful, elegant and beautiful. In this case, fashion is one of the go-to mediums to achieve this strength.

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