
You can Go Herbal to Look and Feel Good

Sentinel Digital Desk

Herbal cosmetics are hypo-allergenic and people do not have to worry about getting any issues related to the skin like rashes or itchiness. Moreover, herbal cosmetics contain natural antioxidants and are suitable for nearly all skin types. In other words, one does not have to worry about degrading the skin condition. The synthetic beauty products can not only cause irritation in the skin but can cause many chronic skin problems as well. For instance, the synthetic products might block your skin pores and make your skin excessively dry or oily. With natural cosmetics, one need not worry about these side effects simply because the natural ingredients used in forming herbal products are free from 'parabens' that are the most widely used preservative. 

Herbal cosmetics are basically beauty products, which are formulated by using various herbal ingredients to provide defined cosmetic benefits/outcomes. Since herbal cosmetics are manufactured from natural ingredients, many people feel that these cosmetics are really the 'go to aids' in terms of maintaining one's natural God gifted beauty.

Incidentally, herbal cosmetic products are finding many takers in recent years when people are becoming more and more conscious of the adverse side effects of synthetic products, which are essentially made from chemicals and other toxic ingredients. Simply explained, the science of Ayurveda has utilized many herbs and floras to make cosmetics for beautification and protection from external effects like exposure towards microbes, chemical agents and environmental contaminants. Needless to say the natural content in 'botanicals' does not cause any side effects on the human body; instead it enriches the body with nutrients and other useful minerals.

Herbal cosmetics are hypo-allergenic and people do not have to worry about getting any issues related to the skin like rashes or itchiness. Moreover, herbal cosmetics contain natural antioxidants and are suitable for nearly all skin types. In other words, one does not have to worry about degrading the skin condition.

The synthetic beauty products can not only cause irritation in the skin but can cause many chronic skin problems as well. For instance, the synthetic products might block your skin pores and make your skin excessively dry or oily. With natural cosmetics, one need not worry about these side effects simply because the natural ingredients used in forming herbal products are free from 'parabens' that are the most widely used preservative.

Another appeal of herbal cosmetics stems from the fact that these are basically cruelty free cosmetics. This means that these cosmetics are not tested on animals. On the other hand, most of the synthetic cosmetic products are initially tested on animals to ensure their safety and efficacy for human use.

This fact does not however mean that herbal cosmetics are not adequately pre-tested for their efficacy and safety in terms of the human skin. These natural formulations are rigorously tested by ayurvedic experts in laboratories using state of the art equipment with no animals involved.

Natural cosmetics also have a distinct price advantage. These cosmetics are relatively cheaper compared to artificial cosmetics and personal care (hair and skin) brands. Moreover, herbal cosmetics are fairly easily available too. One can find locally made natural cosmetics or those made by famous designers almost anywhere in the world.

Apart from herbal cosmetics there are a range of herbal beauty products- pertaining to skin and hair. These include herbal products for enhancing the appearance of facial skin,

herbal products for hair growth (rejuvenation) and care, herbal products specifically engineered for skin care for different age groups (for instance for teenagers for treating problems like acne and pimples), herbal shampoos, soaps, powders and perfumes and a host of (herbal) miscellaneous products.

Indian herbs and their significance are popular worldwide. Herbal cosmetics and skin and hair care formulations have existed in the Indian subcontinent since time immemorial. Indian women have long used herbs such as sandalwood and turmeric for skin care, henna to colour the hair, palms and soles; and natural oils to perfume their bodies. Not too long ago, elaborate herbal beauty treatments were carried out in the royal palaces of India to heighten the sensual appeal of queens and maintain general hygiene.

In the years to come the herbal cosmetic and product industry is expected to grow exponentially and expand its product portfolio.

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