National News

Film director Aparna Sen wonders whether there is ‘goonda raj’ in India

Sentinel Digital Desk

Kolkata: Coming down heavily on the BJP students’ wing ABVP and the police for ‘aiding and abetting’ the perpetrators of violence on students in the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), celebrated film director Aparna Sen has said whether there is a ‘good raj’ in the country.

“JNU students being beaten up by ABVP goons. Live on TV! How much longer are you going to look the other way? Or r u spineless? ...Shame! Shame on ABVP & the police who are aiding & abetting them,” Aparna Sen posted on Twitter.

In another post on her social media handle, she questioned how universities can come ‘under attack’.

“Ok, so who are these masked goons? Allegedly ABVP? Allegedly backed by RSS? Even if we say we don’t know, the question still remains: How can our universities be under attack?

“What is the Delhi police doing? What is happening in our country? Has it become a ‘Goonda Raj,’ she asked.

Several masked individuals, both male, and female thrashed students, including girls and teachers, inside the JNU campus with wooden and metal rods.

Two officer-bearers of the Jawaharal Nehru University Students Union (JNUSU), including its President Aishe Ghosh — who was reportedly hit over the eye with an iron rod — received severe injuries. (IANS)