National News

Former CBI Sleuth to Probe CCD Owner V.G. Siddhartha’s Letter

Sentinel Digital Desk

Bengaluru: Former CBI official Ashok Kumar Malhotra will investigate the letter that Cafe Coffee Day owner V.G. Siddhartha purportedly wrote to the company’s board on July 27, two days before he went missing and was then found dead on July 31, a CCD official said on Saturday. “Though the board on August 8 appointed global audit firm Ernst & Young (E&Y) to investigate the letter’s contents, it has decided to engage Malhotra’s services after the former recused itself from the probe citing conflict of interest,” the official told here. Malhotra is a retired Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). E&Y was also to scrutinize the books of accounts of the company and its subsidiaries. “As E&Y is also our external auditor, adviser on taxation, providing software and does a due diligence of the company and its subsidiaries, a conflict of interest was found in probing the letter,” said the official, citing a regulatory filing with the Bombay Stock Exchange. (IANS)