National News

Government agrees to Delhi riots debate; Rajya Sabha witnesses noisy scenes

Sentinel Digital Desk

New Delhi: The government on Tuesday agreed the Opposition’s demand for a discussion on Delhi riots but the Upper House was adjourned for the third time during the day as members from Congress and other parties insisted on first discussing the issue before taking up other business.

Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, Ghulam Nabi Azad, said that the issue needs to be discussed now as it will not make sense to take it up later when the entire world has already discussed it.

Azad said that the communal violence that took place in the city was very unfortunate and the House needs to express its concern. He noted that nearly 90 percent of those killed in the communal riots were in the age group of 24-35 years and said it was an irreparable loss for the nation.

“We must discuss it. I don’t think there is any leader in this House who would add fuel to the fire. Everyone knows his responsibility and they would try to douse the fire. We must discuss it so that such incidents do not happen in the future,” he said.

The Congress leader said that although there had been a delay in condoling the death and praying for the departed souls, hence the House must express its sympathy for the victims as soon as it meets Wednesday morning.

In the communal violence late last month, as many as 46 people were killed while hundreds injured.

Union Minister and Leader of the House Thawarchand Gehlot, however, said that the government was ready for discussion as and when the Chair decides the date and timing.

“We are not running away. We are ready for discussion as and when the Chairman decides,” he said.

Earlier, the House was adjourned twice as opposition members continued to press for discussion on Delhi riots and protested against the government. The house was first adjourned till 2 p.m. and then adjourned till 3 p.m. In the morning, as soon as the Chairman called the name of Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs Anurag Thakur for laying the papers listed against his name, opposition members were on their feet objecting to his “Goli Maro” remarks. (IANS)