National News

'Government should explain why people are being forced to protest in Amaravati'

Sentinel Digital Desk

AMARAVATI: Senior Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leader and former Minister DevineniUmamaheshwaraRao demanded the Andhra Pradesh government to explain why people in Amaravati are being compelled to demonstrate in the streets for almost 300 days, due to the trifurcation of capital city. Rao said Amaravati agitation is a rare phenomenon all over the country where protesters are demonstrating against all odds.

"It was laudable that the farmers, workers and women were vowing to continue their agitation till Amaravati was declared as the one and only capital for Andhra Pradesh," he said.

The TDP leader alleged that attacks on all four estates of the democracy are going on since the time YSRCP came to power.

"The ruling party leaders were making unhesitating comments and issuing threats to the executive, judiciary, legislature and the press as well," he alleged.

According to Rao, common man in the southern state lost the basic sense of security and confidence about the rights conferred to him by the Constitution of India.

Meanwhile, he alleged that many land scams are occurring in Visakhapatnam, which has been declared as a capital.

"Land scams and settlements gangs became the order of the day. The general public was unable to defend and protect their properties in the port city," he alleged. He claimed that private settlement gangs descended on Visakhapatnam ever since YSRCP came to power.

NakkaAnandaBabu, former Minister, said that Amaravati abuts Dalit assembly constituencies. "It was obvious that Jagan Reddy was not liking to retain the capital city in the Dalit and weaker sections dominated area in the city," he alleged. (IANS)