National News

Guwahati: Tea Association of India Advocates Strategic Overhaul Amid Economic Progress

Ankita Kakaty

GUWAHATI - The 49th Biennial General Meeting of the Tea Association of India convened at the Tollygunj Club in Kolkata on January 10, celebrating the remarkable 200-year journey of Assam Tea. President Ajay Jalan paid homage to the industry's pioneers, acknowledging their foundational role in the tea sector's rich history.

However, President Jalan addressed the current challenges faced by the industry, comparing them to the turbulent period of 2002-2007. Despite India's commendable economic strides, he highlighted the tea industry's current trials, urging introspection and resilience among stakeholders.

President Jalan reported a 39% increase in India's tea production over the last 15 years, reaching 1366 million kgs in 2022. However, he noted a 1% decline in the current year compared to 2022, projecting an annual production of 1365 million kgs. To tackle rising costs and productivity concerns, he advocated for transformative technological interventions, including precision agriculture with GPS mapping, IoT sensors, and data analytics in the field, along with automation and AI-driven systems in factories.

Furthermore, President Jalan emphasized the industry's struggle with the perception of tea as a common man's drink, leading to a focus on cheaper teas and a subsequent decline in quality. He urged a repositioning of tea to enhance its perception and consumption patterns, calling for a strategic shift in the industry.

Highlighting the health benefits of tea, President Jalan noted its status as a calorie-free, salt-free, and fat-free beverage with high flavonoid content. He stressed the need for early production closure, waste regulation, and import restrictions to address the oversupply issue.

In conclusion, the Tea Association of India, through its President, urged a comprehensive reevaluation of the tea industry's practices, embracing technological advancements and strategic shifts to secure a sustainable and quality-focused future for one of India's oldest and culturally significant sectors boosting the economy of the country.