National News

India Abstains from Voting on UNSC Condemning Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Explains Move

Sentinel Digital Desk

NEW DELHI: India abstained from voting UN Security Council resolution condemning Russia's "aggression" against Ukraine and calling for Russian troops to leave the neighbouring country.

New Delhi stated the only way to resolve conflicts and disputes is through conversation, and expressed "regret" that "path of diplomacy was given up".

On Friday, UNSC voted on a draught resolution proposed by US and Albania and backed by Italy, Germany, Estonia and many more. The resolution failed to pass when Russia, a permanent member, exercised its veto. The resolution garnered 11 votes in favour and three abstentions from the UN Security Council's 15 members, including India, China, and UAE.

TS Tirumurti, India's Permanent Representative UN, stated that no solution can be reached at the expense of human lives.

Tirumurti has concern for the Indian community's safety and security in Ukraine.

The urgent focus is particularly on stranded students and their evacuation from Ukraine.

According to Tirumurti, by abstaining, India kept the option of reaching out to relevant parties in an attempt to bridge the difference and find a middle ground in order to develop conversation and diplomacy.

A previous draught of the resolution advocated shifting it to Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which establishes the framework for the Security Council to conduct enforcement action.

Reports state this was removed from the final form before it was submitted to a vote.

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