National News

JNU student Sharjeel Imam admits videos of speech authentic

Sentinel Digital Desk

New Delhi: JNU student Sharjeel Imam who was arrested for allegedly delivering inflammatory speeches on the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act, videos of which surfaced recently, has now admitted that the videos are authentic, the police said.

Imam was arrested on Monday from Bihar’s Jehanabad after two videos surfaced in which he could be seen saying “Cut off Assam from India”. He allegedly made these remarks at Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia Millia Islamia.

On Wednesday, the Patiala House Court sent Imam on five-day police remand. In an overnight interrogation, Imam accepted that the videos contain his speeches, a police officer said. “He has lots of information but is not ready to reveal. It seems that the PFI (Popular Front of India — an extremist outfit) is working with him but it cannot be verified right now,” the officer said. According to the police, the police want to mount mental pressure on Imam to admit his role. He is being shifted continuously and being interrogated since the police got his remand.

Though Imam was arrested by the crime branch the Special Cell is also interrogating him to get information. The police want to ascertain who is behind him. The police are now trying to identify the people who recorded the videos so that they could be made a witness in the case. (IANS)