National News

Mahavir Jayanti 2023: Date, History, Importance

Sentinel Digital Desk

NEW DELHI: Mahavir Jayanti is the name given to the birth anniversary of Mahavir. Mahavir, who was born in Kundalagrama, Bihar, was one of the 24th generation of Jain sages. 

The holiday is observed on the 13th day of the Chaitra month according to the Hindu calendar. His parents were Queen Trishala and King Siddhartha. Mahavir eventually gave away his crown and all of his earthly possessions when he was 30 years old. 

He set off on a spiritual road by himself. He lived in asceticism and isolation for 12 years while in exile, apart from all material comforts. Before becoming enlightened, he began practising meditation and living a simple life.

The day is also referred to as Vardhamana, which includes fundamental Jainist beliefs. Kundalagrama, a town in Bihar's Vaishali district, is where Mahavir was born. He threw away his crown and everything he had on earth. He started looking for a spiritual path when he was thirty. 

Sage Vardhamana was an ascetic who lived in exile for about 12 years, abstaining from all worldly pleasures and engaging in meditation. During this time, he attained "Kevala Jnana," or omniscience, and became known as Sage Vardhamana.

He was for nonviolence (ahimsa). He advocated for Brahmacharya (chastity), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing), and Aparigraha (non-attachment). His lessons were assembled by Indrabhuti Gautama, Mahavir's top student. 

Because of his extraordinary control over his senses, he was given his name. At the age of 72, he attained Nirvana (enlightenment), the pursuit of truth, and spiritual liberty. 

On the occasion, early in the morning, devotees take a sacred bath. The idol of Lord Mahavir is in the place of worship. The idol is then presented with flowers, and an abhishekam is performed. Eventually, worshippers give clothes, chocolates, and fruits to the destitute and underprivileged. After then, a strict fast is kept.

This year Mahavir Jayanti will be observed on 4th of April. 

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