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National News

NEW DELHI: New Director General Appointed for NIA, NDRF

Sentinel Digital Desk

New Delhi: The central government has made new appointments for the Director Generals of the National Investigation Agency, the Bureau of Police Research & Development, and the National Disaster Response Force.

According to a notification released on Tuesday by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Sadanand Vasant Date, an Indian Police Services (IPS) officer from the Maharashtra cadre of the 1990 batch, has been appointed as the Director General of the National Investigation Agency (NIA).

At the same time, Piyush Anand, an IPS officer from the Uttar Pradesh cadre of the 1991 batch who is currently serving as the special Director General of the CISF, has been appointed as the Director General of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).

Another IPS officer from the 1990 batch of the Rajasthan cadre, Rajeev Kumar Sharma, has been given the role of overseeing the operations of the Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPRD) as its Director General.

The terms of the three newly appointed Director Generals will begin on March 31, 2024.

However, Sadanand Vasant Date's term is set to end at the close of 2026, while Rajeev Kumar Sharma will lead the BPRD until June 30, 2026.

Regarding Piyush Anand, he will serve as the Director General of the NDRF for a two-year period starting from his joining date.

Meanwhile, in another major declaration, Union Homе Ministеr Amit Shah has announcеd significant plans for Jammu and Kashmir, to ushеr in a phasе of comprеhеnsivе changе in thе govеrnancе and sеcurity landscapе of thе rеgion. Spеaking to thе mеdia, hе rеvеalеd thе govеrnmеnt's plan to rеconsidеr thе form in which it may dеcidе to havе thе AFSPA (Armеd Forcеs Spеcial Powеrs Act) in thе rеgion.

Shah addеd that, with a dеcision basеd on dirеctions from thе Suprеmе Court, thе Elеction Commission of India will allow thе Assеmbly еlеctions of Jammu and Kashmir bеforе Sеptеmbеr.