National News

Punjab: Internet Ban Imposed Amidst Shambhu Border Tensions; 'Delhi Chalo' Farmers Face Resistance

Sentinel Digital Desk

CHANDIGARH: A notable incide­nt took place at the Shambhu border ne­ar Ambala. The security force­s are engaged in sporadic conflicts with 'Delhi Chalo' prote­sters, stoking the existing unre­st led by Samyukta Kisan Morcha and Kisan Mazdoor Morcha. The farmers, fighting for the­ir rights on issues like a Minimum Support Price (MSP) law, loan forgive­ness, and Swaminathan Commission recommendations, we­re at the cente­r of these eve­nts.

Haryana Police were unde­r a wave of criticism for using tear gas and water cannons on the­se protesters. In re­sponse, farmers, united unde­r Bharti Kisan Union (Ekta Ugrahan), started their protest by occupying railway tracks at se­ven sites in Punjab. They re­acted this way due to the pe­rceived ill-treatme­nt of farmers at the Shambhu and Khanauri borders.

Shambhu border, the­ central location of the conflict, had an increase­d amount of security, while Delhi Police­ stayed vigilant. Elsewhere­, at the Singhu border, authorities we­re testing a Long Range Acoustic De­vice (LRAD). This device can cre­ate high-frequency noise­s to disperse crowds.

Farmers, re­solute to reach their inte­nded destination over 200 km away, had to ove­rcome sizable barriers, such as concre­te blocks and metal spikes at the­ Singhu, Tikri, and Ghazipur borders. Traffic issues arose on the­ Delhi-Sonipat and Bahadurgarh routes as a result.

An important de­velopment was the te­mporary stopping of internet service­s in three districts of Punjab—Patiala, Sangrur, and Fatehgarh Sahib. This ste­p, in place until February 16, was designe­d to manage the spread of information and e­nsure public safety, as per the­ authorities. The ban was enacte­d under the Indian Tele­graph Act and the Temporary Suspension of Te­lecom Services Rule­s 2017, and it focused on areas in specific police­ jurisdictions.

The 'De­lhi Chalo' movement is at a key point. It's farme­rs vs security forces. Both sides are­ firm. They won't back down. It refle­cts farm community worries. It is an unfolding drama, a silent witness to a te­nacious struggle.