National News

Punjab Ministers hit out at BJP

Sentinel Digital Desk

Several Punjab Cabinet Ministers on Monday hit out at the BJP over what they dubbed "atrocious" charges against Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, saying BJP state leadership was "misleading farmers and spreading shocking lies" to save their won skin on the "draconian" central farm laws. "Not only is the BJP in Punjab trying desperately to fool the farmers with regard to the agricultural laws but also their leaders and workers are actively indulging in brazen falsehoods in a bid to exploit the sensitive and critical issue to promote their political interests," the Ministers said in a joint statement here. The fact of the matter was that the BJP was trying to incite farmers against the Chief Minister for their own political gains, they alleged. In a hard-hitting reaction to Punjab BJP President Ashwani Sharma's accusations against Amarinder Singh, the Ministers said that it was obvious that BJP leaders were either oblivious to the concerns of the farmers or simply did not care. "The farmers don't need any instigation. They are hurt and shocked at the treatment meted out to them by the BJP-led central government. (IANS)