National News

Seven-year-old in Chennai diagnosed with 526 teeth in lower jaw, surgery successful

Sentinel Digital Desk

This is shocking and unusual at the same time as a little boy, suffering from a rare case of 'compound composite ondontome' is found to have hundreds of minute teeth in his mouth. The little boy was brought into the hospital a swelling jaw and what the doctors could discover in his jaw is jaw-dropping, undoubtedly.

This is the first-ever case in the world wherein a little boy in Chennai is diagnosed with 526 teeth coming out of his lower mouth. The incident is reported in the Saveetha Dental College and Hospital that witnessed a seven-year-old boy undergoing a rare surgery.

The doctors have let it know that the health issue the boy is suffering from is called as "compound composite ondontome" which is a pretty rare case. As stated by the Professor -Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, P.Senthilnathan, "The parents first noticed the swelling when the boy was three years old. But they didn't bother much as the swelling wasn't much then and the boy did not cooperate with investigative procedures either. Later as swelling increased, the parents brought the boy to our hospital."

On performing an X-ray and CT-scan of the lower right jaw of the boy, it could be seen that the jaw has a lot of rudimentary teeth seeing which the doctors decided to perform the surgery.

Senthilnathan further added, "We opened up the jaw after administering general anaesthesia and saw a bag/sack inside it. The sack, weighing about 200 grams, was carefully removed and was later found to contain 526 teeth -- small, medium and big sized."

After conducting and keeping the boy under scrutiny the doctors reported that the boy was normal after three days of the surgery.

The doctors have also admitted it after conducting the surgery that this is the first-ever such case in the world for someone to have so many minute teeth in his mouth.