National News

What Is Ethanol Blending In Petrol And How It Can Benefit India?

Sentinel Digital Desk

New Delhi: In July last year, the Government of India (GoI) has issued a draft notification on ethanol blending in petrol which proposes blending of 12 percent and 15 per cent ethanol as an automotive fuel in petrol, which will be available as E-12 and E-15 respectively.

The draft notification was issued in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement to extend the deadline for 20 percent ethanol blending by five years from 2025. The notification comes at a time when the prices of both petrol and diesel have touched the sky in many cities across the country.

Notably, the Government of India has been emphasizing electric mobility for a long time, however, there are challenges for e-mobility, and for the time being, the use of ethanol comes as an easy option.

In foreign markets such as Brazil and the US, ethanol is used significantly as an alternative fuel solution. The proportion of ethanol blending in petrol is high in both these countries. India also now aims to explore the potential of blending ethanol in petrol. According to reports, currently, India uses fuel with an 8.5 percent blend of ethanol. It is said to go up to 20 percent by 2023.

What is Ethanol?

Ethanol is a biofuel obtained from the fermentation of sugarcane and corn. Ethanol, primarily made from jaggery, serves as an alternative fuel solution to conventional petrol and diesel. It does not emit any particulate matter into the air.

When ethanol burns, its releases carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water, and formaldehyde. Most vehicles come with the technology to oxygenate carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. If compared to fossil fuel, the said fuel reduces nitrogen oxide emissions which makes ethanol a cleaner and a renewable energy source.

How ethanol blending in petrol will be beneficial for India?

Since India is one of the largest sugarcane producers in the world, a part of it can be used for ethanol production which will eventually help the farmers.

--If the country starts using it, the prices of fuel cost will be reduced as the price of a liter of ethanol in India is currently Rs 62.65. On the other hand, the price of petrol is around Rs 100 for a liter and around Rs 90 for a liter of diesel.

-- The dependency on fossil fuel will be much less than it is now if Ethanol Policy is implemented. Presently, the country has to bear a huge fuel bill as India currently imports 80 percent of its fossil fuel requirement. With Ethanol Mixed Petrol, the fuel import bill will come down significantly.

--Apart from these, with ethanol-mixed petrol, the pollution levels are expected to come down significantly as Ethanol is a non-toxic, biodegradable fuel solution. It is also safe to handle, store and transport. This oxygenated fuel contains 35 percent oxygen and emits fewer pollutants into the air than petrol or diesel.

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