Science & Technology

Paris: Elon Musk Predicts AI Will Eliminate All Jobs, Envisions Work as a ‘Hobby’

Sentinel Digital Desk

PARIS: In an appearance at Viva Tech event in Paris Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk made bold predictions about future of artificial intelligence (AI). He asserted that AI will eventually eliminate all jobs. Despite seemingly grim forecast. Musk posited that this shift could have positive outcomes.

"Probably none of us will have job" Musk remarked via webcam He envisioned future where employment becomes optional with AI robots taking over most roles. This would leave individuals free to pursue jobs as hobbies "If you want to do job as hobby you can do job But otherwise AI and robots will provide any goods and services that you want" he explained.

Musk's hour-long address painted picture of future marked by universal high income He, however distanced this vision from concept of universal basic income (UBI). Unlike UBI, which involves government-provided funds to all citizens Musk did not elaborate on how his vision of wealth distribution would work. However he emphasized that advancements in AI would ensure no shortage of goods or services.

Musk stressed importance of AI being designed to seek truth and exhibit curiosity. He warned against training AI to adhere to political correctness at expense of honesty and transparency. He raised concerns about emotional fulfillment of individuals in a jobless future. Questioning impact on life's meaning. "The question will really be one of meaning. If computer and robots can do everything better than you does your life have meaning?" he asked. Suggesting that humans might impart meaning to AI.

Musk reiterated his longstanding concerns about AI's rapid advancement. Referring to it as his "biggest fear." He cited 'Culture Book Series' by Ian Banks as plausible depiction of an AI-dominated society.

Addressing parents Musk advised limiting children’s social media use. Attributing platform addiction to "dopamine-maximizing AI." He also showcased Neuralink's progress. With video of patient moving a cursor by thought. Discussed potential products like telepathic control of devices. And technology to restore vision.

In conclusion Musk touched on his long-term vision for SpaceX. Aiming to establish human colonies on other planets. He highlighted Starlink's role in connecting remote areas to global economy. Seeing it as step towards making humanity a multi-planetary species.