Science & Technology

Scientists Can Now Read Whole Genome Sequencing of IVF Embryo

Sentinel Digital Desk

New York: In a significant breakthrough, scientists at a US-based gene analytics firm claimed that they can decode almost all the DNA of days-old embryos created via in vitro fertilisation (IVF), the Science reported.

According to MyOme, full sequence of both parents' DNA and resulting "reconstruction" of an embryo's genome with the help of the data, could make it possible to forecast risk for common diseases including heart conditions, autoimmune diseases, cancer, that can develop later in life. The advance is currently available only for adults.

In a paper, published in the journal Nature Medicine, the MyOme team described creating such scores by first sequencing the genomes of 10 pairs of parents who had already undergone IVF and had babies.

The researchers then used data collected during the IVF process: The couples' embryos, 110 in all, had undergone limited genetic testing at that time, a sort of spot sequencing of cells, called microarray measurements.

Such analysis can test for an abnormal number of chromosomes, certain genetic diseases, and rearrangements of large chunks of DNA. By combining these patchy embryo data with the more complete parental genome sequences, and applying statistical and population genomics techniques, the researchers could account for the gene shuffling that occurs during reproduction and calculate which chromosomes each parent had passed down to each embryo. In this way, they could predict much of that embryo's DNA, the report said.

The researchers collected cheek swab samples from the babies and sequenced their full genome, just as they'd done with the parents. They then compared that "true sequence" with the reconstructed genome for the embryo from which the child originated.

The comparison revealed, essentially, a match: For a 3-day-old embryo, at least 96 per cent of the reconstructed genome aligned with the inherited gene variants in the corresponding baby; for a 5-day-old embryo, it was at least 98 per cent, the report said. (IANS)

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