Science & Technology

Scientists Compile 41 Solar Occultation Observations of Saturn's Rings

Sentinel Digital Desk

SAN ANTONIO: Scientists of the Southwest Research Institute have organised 41 solar occultation observations of Saturn's rings from the Cassini mission. These will help in future studies of the composition and particle size distribution of Saturn's rings. And this data is very crucial towards comprehending the genesis and development of the rings.

Dr. Stephanie Jarmak, a researcher in the SwRI Space Science Division, said, "For nearly two decades, NASA's Cassini mission shared the wonders of Saturn and its family of frozen moons and characteristic rings, but we still don't know the origins of the ring system. According to the available data, the rings are quite fresh and may have developed as a result of the ice satellite or comet being destroyed. However, we must have a solid understanding of the size of the particles making up the rings in order to support any one origin explanation."

With the data received from the extreme ultraviolet spectrum, Cassini's Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) proved particularly sensitive to some of the smallest ring particles. UVIS used a technique known as solar occultation for this study. The technique involves looking through the rings of Saturn to the Sun and examining the ring particles. Ring particles provided a direct measurement of the optical depth, which is a crucial factor in figuring out the size and make-up of the ring particles.

The moon Dione is back-lit by its planet, Saturn, in a picture captured by Cassini on December 20, 2010. The original pic was snapped in greyscale where the colour was synthesised.

The compilation also reveals how solar occultation observations' optical depth varies over time. Light from a background source is absorbed and scattered by the particles in its path during an occultation. The optical depth of the ring can be determined directly from the amount of light that is blocked by the ring particles. In this case, the Sun is used as the source of light. In order to comprehend the origin, collisional activity, and annihilation of the ring particles within the system, UVIS can detect dust particles at the micron level.

These findings, according to Dr Stephanie Jarmak, "provided us insight into the tiniest particle sizes with Saturn's rings given the wavelength of the light coming from the Sun."

Understanding the structure of the rings also requires taking optical depth into account. The study determined the optical depth as a function of the viewing geometry or the angles at which the rings were observed in relation to the Cassini spacecraft. Scientists can create a picture of the structures of the rings by observing how light flowing through the rings varies at different angles.

According to the scientist, "ring systems surrounding big planets also provide test beds for examining basic physical characteristics and processes in our solar system generally. These particles are believed to be the consequence of items crashing into one another, forming a disc, and assembling larger particles. The formation of these ring systems may provide insight into planet formation as well."

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