
Give me peace, I will give you prosperity, Mamata tells Darjeeling

Sentinel Digital Desk

 Darjeeling, March 13: Months after violence and tension erupted in the north West Bengal hills centering the Gorkhland movement, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday asked the political outfits in Darjeeling to maintain peace and ensure no form of violence returns to the region. "Please give us peace, we will give you prosperity, that is our commitment. That is our assurance," Banerjee said here after iugurating the first 'Hill Business Summit', nearly six months after the longest ever shutdown in the Darjeeling hills was withdrawn. "Please see Darjeeling is clean and green. Please ensure that there isn't any violence. If there is violence, some political leaders might gain, but the people of Darjeeling won't gain from it. The young generation would become more and more impatient," she said. The Chief Minister also announced that her Government would provide Rs 100 crore for promotiol development of job oriented industries in the region.

"Let's first make a start. Our Government is fully ready to help you. I can also assure you on behalf of the industrialists that they will give you full cooperation," she said. Banerjee said special focus would be given to agriculture, horticulture industries, food processing zones, nurturing of orchids and developing IT infrastructure in the region. She also requested the industrialists present at the meeting as well as the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to prepare an action plan specially for Darjeeling where people are suffering from acute water problems. "I think the youth of Darjeeling are skilled. They have a lot of potential. They can be used in different industrial sectors. Two IT parks would be set up in Kalimpong and Darjeeling. (IANS)