
Special outreach programme organized to publicize Central government schemes

Sentinel Digital Desk

From our Staff Correspondent

Dibrugarh, February 21: The Directorate of Field Publicity Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, in association with its Jorhat Branch, on Saturday took up a campaign at Dhemechi-Kochgaon village under Khowang Development block to publicize schemes of the Union Government aimed at uplifting the economic status of the common people.

An open awareness-cum-interaction meeting, quiz contest, cultural programme, drum (dhol) playing, on-the-spot bank account opening camp marked the outreach programme.  Secretary of Village Protection Force, Ghano Gohain, chaired the meeting while village head Durgeswar Handique attended the meeting as chief guest. Other participants included Pradip Borgohain, senior educationist, Jardan Hazarika, Principal of Sankardev Sishu Niketan, Ritupar Bordoloi, resource person of Asom Mahila Samata Society and officials of Punjab tiol Bank.

Addressing a sizeable gathering of villagers at the Raash Mancha Community Hall, the key resource persons urged the community to take benefit of Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yoja, a tiol Mission for Fincial Inclusion to ensure access to fincial services, mely banking savings and deposit Accounts, Remittance, credit, insurance and pension in an affordable manner.

Ritupar Bordoloi in her address in context with Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yoja said that all schools in the country should have separate toilets for girls. “Only then our daughters will not be compelled to leave school midway,” she said.

Speaking on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan she asserted that sanitation was the foundation of health, dignity and development, which everyone should be aware of. She said sanitation and hygiene provide good health and development to one’s life and community and this culture starts from home. She exhorted the audience to dissemite the information to their family, friends and neighbours. Bordoloi as well as other resource persons urged the community to go for the construction of individual toilets in their houses and avoid open defecation.

In the iugural address, Field Publicity Officer Prab Kumar th said that the Directorate of Field Publicity was the mediator and communicator between the Central Government and the public. He pointed out that the Special Outreach Programme was being organized in media uncovered areas all over the country with a view to empower the community dwelling on the outskirts of village. The themes identified for the Special Outreach programme are -Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yoja, Beti Bachao Beti Padao, Pradhan Mantri Surakhsa Bima Yoja, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yoja, Atal Pension Yoja, and Skill India Mission.

A grand rally of students and village community was also organized which passed through the streets of village Dhemechi which was aimed at dissemition of information and awareness of these tiol public welfare programmes among the rural masses.