Arunachal News

‘Enact law to ban polygamy in state’ APWWS urges Arunachal Pradesh Governor

Sentinel Digital Desk


Itanagar: The Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society (APWWS) has stressed on the urgent need to enact a law to ban polygamy and bigamy in the state. Expressing concern over the prevailing ill practices, APWWS president Kani Nada Maling in a letter has urged Governor Lt Gen (Retd) KT Parnaik to intervene and address the pressing issue by directing the state government to enact a law, banning polygamy and bigamy.

“This harmful practice has demonstrably negative consequences, particularly for women and children,” the APWWS pointed out. “Since its establishment in 1979, the Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society has been resolute in its mission to combat polygamy and secure better opportunities for tribal women and children in the state. Despite our unwavering efforts, we are confronted with numerous challenges in advocating for women’s rights,” the women panel president said.

 “Presently, we are witnessing a disturbing surge in cases of domestic violence and homicide directly linked to the abhorrent practice of polygamy and bigamy, wherein men are socially sanctioned to marry multiple wives. The absence of adequate legislation has provided a breeding ground for the proliferation of polygamy,” the letter read.

 The APWWS further said that in recent times, the state has been rocked by two sensational cases that have not only shocked the entire community but have also raised serious questions regarding the safety and security of married women.

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