Arunachal News

Festival Should Promote Values And Oneness Among Communities: Kento Jini

Sentinel Digital Desk

Our Correspondent

Itanagar: Aalo East lawmaker Kento Jini on Monday called upon the people to make festival a platform to promote values and oneness among various communities of the state.

“Our age old culture which manifests in the form of festival should continue to promote values and act as binding thread to various strata of communities,” he said while attending the Solung Gidi of Adi community at Aalo in West Siang district of the state. He lauded the community for proper grooming their young ones to speak own dialects which helps them in the long run to maintain its own identity.

He recollected the past when Mopin and Solung used to be celebrated jointly by the two communities and appreciated the Solung Gidi celebration committee (SGCC) for moving towards a meaningful direction this time by involving the Galos of Aalo.

Retired commandant Raken Padu and Block Education Officer (BEO) of Aalo West Kento Ngomdir in their addressed stressed on maintaining the originality of celebrating tribal festival without any shift from traditional root that hold them firmly to give them a distinct identity.

SGCC President Ogong Tamuk who held various post during Mopin celebration in the past gave a fascinating and nostalgic account of the joint Mopin-Solung in the past and stressed on maintaining the age old tempo, a press release informed here.